Today is WIP Wednesday over at
Freshly Pieced. Lee has been off-line (but she's back now) to focus on finishing her fabric design at
Connecting Threads. I'm looking forward to seeing her designs!
This is my first time participating in WIP so here it goes..
My priority WIP is the raffle quilt. There hasn't been any progress since FNSI (sponsored by
handmade by Heidi). I won't post another picture of it, but you can see it
My other WIPs in no particular order are as follows:
I make Prayer Quilts for the Prayer Quilt Ministry at my church and I have two in progress. They are for no one in particular at this time. The committee is trying to make a few extras to have on hand. We have had people donate fabric and I go through the remnant bins at Hobby Lobby and Michaels every chance I get to add to our stash.
This is going to be a rag quilt. I have all the squares cut out; the next task is cutting the batting. I'm going to alternate the red, white and blue fabric with denim. This is going to be a smaller sized quilt, as there wasn't much of the red, white and blue fabric. I've not ever made a rag quilt and am excited to see how it will turn out!
The way a prayer quilt works is first, I pray as I'm sewing. (I don't know if my helpers do that, but that's what I do.) There are threads/ties stitched in the quilt and left untied. When someone is in need, the congregation will tie a knot in the threads and say a silent prayer for the recipient. The knots represent the prayers and therefore the recipient is covered in prayers. I just love that! To learn more about prayer quilts you can check out this
This is another prayer quilt. I like it and then again, I'm not sure.

There's not as much contrast between the polka dots and striped fabric as I would have liked. I hope I will like it better when it's finished. Most
importantly I hope the recipient will like it and feel peace and comforted by the prayers said for them over the quilt and stitched into it.

The next WIP is for ME! Yes! I'm keeping this one! (that's why it's at the bottom of my pile of things to do) I started it in 2005 when I took a quilting class from my
LQS. It wasn't a class that focused on the quilting part of it, which is why it's still in progress. It was about learning the different techniques of the blocks.
I hope; since I've posted it here and showed it to you, it will motivate me to finish it. It needs to be re-pinned... it's so close to being done!
What WIPs do you have going on? BTW, I like the acronym 'WIP' much better than 'UFO', I agree that it's more positive to say 'In Progress' than 'Unfinished'!
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you're having a great day! There are more WIPs on my list but these are the ones that, in theory, wouldn't take long to being complete.
Be sure to head back over to
Freshly Pieced to see what everyone else is working on!