Friday, December 28, 2012

Priceless Coin Purses

I enjoyed the U R Priceless blog hop so much! I was inspired to purchase the tutorial/pattern. Madame Samm is very talented, visit her blog when you have time!

I made coin purses for my sisters and Mom for Christmas!

It was fun selecting the fabrics from my stash. The tutorial instructions were easy to follow and all of photos included in the tutorial were fantastic! You definitely need patience when sewing on the frame, but the more I sewed on, the better I got!  My sisters and Mom loved their coin purses!

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Visit to Mama's Quilt Shop

While visiting my family in south Louisiana during Christmas, we were able to go to Mama's Quilt Shop, in Independence, Louisiana. My sister, Georgia-Girl Quilter, my Mom and myself enjoyed visiting with Mrs. Brenda, the owner, and Mrs. Martha who works there on Saturday's. The last time we were at the shop, I forgot to take pictures so I was sure to take pictures this time.

It's hard to imagine there's a lot of fabric goodness inside this building but there is!!


and bolts..

and bolts of fabric goodness!

Awesome Fat Quarter section, rulers and inspirational books!

To see all the wonderful quilts in progress and finished quilts that are hanging in the store, go to my sisters blog to get inspired!

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Turning Twenty Slapplique Giveaway at Mama's Quilt Shop

My friends at Mama's Quilt Shop are giving away a Turning Twenty Slapplique book by Tricia Cribbs.

  • It has easy to follow instructions.
  • It's all in color.
  • There are measurements/supplies needed for 4 different sizes of each quilt!
  • I like that it's regular seam sewing (for a lack of a better way to put it) and rag sewing, which of course means you sew with the seams out.

A picture of the front of the book
(sorry for the bit of glare)

A picture of the back of the book
(again, sorry for the bit of glare)

Go over to Mama's Quilt Shop blog, Bits and Pieces, and leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of the book!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Strip Set Fabric Scraps Made into Quilt Blocks

My sister gave me some of her scraps. She donated them to the prayer quilt ministry.

These are left over strip sets from a quilt she made for our niece.

I apologize my pictures aren't great, there are a couple of reasons. The main reason is because I sew at night, after work, after the kids get their homework done, after dinner, after soccer practice, after football practice. You name it, I don't sew until other stuff is done. The other reason is because I'm not a good picture taker!

I cut the strip sets into 2 inch strips because I had less waste with 2 inch strips than I would have had with 2.5 inch strips.

This is how they are turning out!

I bought the solid centers and cut them 3.5 inches. Each one is different because of the scrappy strips sets. I'm thinking of adding white sashing between the blocks, so the scrappy strips don't blend together.

This one will be used for the prayer quilt ministry but it's not ear marked for anyone yet. I still have the denim quilt to finish. I've been trying to get ahead on a few tops for the ministry but that's yet to happen! Maybe it will start with this one!

Thanks for stopping by! Blessings to you!

I'm linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced! Go check out what everyone else is doing!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Sewing to serve!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Denim Prayer Quilt

I'm making a denim prayer quilt made from jeans that were donated to the ministry. The quilt is for a dear friend, that we've known for a long time.  He will be having open heart surgery in January 2013.

I follow this tutorial for denim quilts made from jeans.

Preparing to pin it.
(The colors look so different in natural light in the first photo and indoor light in this second photo.)

Beginning to quilt.
Using my new Machingers gloves for the first time!
Love them!

It's been awhile since I linked up to W.I.P. Wednesday at Freshly Pieced so I thought I'd join in this week! If you're visiting from there or are a follower thanks for stopping by!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mama's Quilt Shop

I discovered a quilt shop in Independence, Louisiana; Mama's Quilt Shop. Independence is a town next to my hometown, Hammond, Louisiana. Actually, my sister DeAnna found the shop months before by Googling quilt shops in the area.

The story goes in bullet points leading up to going to Mama's Quilt Shop...
  • We laid my precious father to rest, Monday, August 27th.
  • We had a day to prepare for hurricane Isaac before it made landfall. We secured items that were outside. We filled the cars with gas and got gas for the generator. We checked flashlight batteries, and lantern oil.
  • Five women, riding out the storm. It would be the first time to ride out a hurricane without our male protector (Dad). However, we knew he would be watching over us. We were in no harm of flooding. We camped in the living room, in recliners, in front of the TV watching The Weather Channel.
  • We were on the west side of Isaac which had the most rain. The wind blew and the rain came down. Finally, in the late afternoon, Wednesday, the lights went out and stayed out until Thursday afternoon, August 30th.
  • After the lights came back on and the rain and wind subsided, I told DeAnna I was in need of quilt therapy!! I suggested we go to Mama's Quilt Shop if they were open. Would they have electricity? Were they flooded? DeAnna looked up their number and called several times but no answer.
  • Saturday morning, DeAnna's phone rang and it was Mrs. Brenda, the owner of Mama's Quilt Shop. She had seen DeAnna's phone number several times on caller id and said Yes, she was open!

Finally! at the quilt shop, the therapy began as soon as we walked through the door! I enjoyed looking at everything in the shop, I never thought to take pictures! (I will next time though!) As we walked through the shop, we met Mrs. Martha! She works there on Saturday's and showed me a beautiful rag quilt she was working on! I made it over to the area where they had kits. They were on sale! I wanted to buy a couple of lap size quilt kits for my prayer quilts.

We all chatted with Mrs. Brenda and Mrs. Martha off and on while browsing through the shop. We talked about our different experiences with Isaac, about Dad being sick, about the prayer quilt we made for him. (We didn't think to bring it, but I will next time though!) Surprisingly to me, Mrs. Martha had heard of prayer quilts before. I showed her some of the pictures in my phone, of the quilts that I'd made. We also talked about blogging. Mrs. Martha maintains the blog for the quilt shop.

Mrs. Brenda and Mrs. Martha made us feel very welcome, just as quilters do! Then a wonderful thing happened but a wonderful thing was already happening, we were making new friends. Mrs. Martha pulled me aside and said she had a box of give-a-way fabric. She wanted me to have it for my prayer quilts. I was very touched! I was speachless! I was humbled! I said Thank You!

I want to show you Mrs. Martha and Mrs. Brenda's generosity.

This will make fantastic backing fabric

Various fabric... love those frogs!

More various fabric... lots of ideas dancing in my head!

Beautiful fabric panels

I love the white tiger panel and the greens are beautiful!

I bought this lap size kit for a prayer quilt.
I love the red and white! 
I think a Razorback fan will like this one!

I bought this lap size quilt kit too!
A design that should be easy!

I bought this book and fat quarters too!
 I haven't made a rag quilt yet, can't wait to try some that are in the book!

Take a moment to visit Mama's Quilt Shop website. If you have the opportunity to visit the store, in person, you will be blessed, just as I was blessed. I am blessed to have new friends! Today is Saturday, I know Mrs. Martha is in the shop, and both Mrs. Brenda and Mrs. Martha are chatting and smiling with everyone that comes in the shop. I wish I was there!

Have a Blessed Day!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Prayer Quilt for Dad

The last time I posted was in May, because right after that my Dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Right away I spoke to my sister DeAnna at Georgia-Girl Quilter, about making a prayer quilt for Dad. She agreed and was ready to be involved. I ask Dad if he would like to have a prayer quilt, and he said yes. 

DeAnna and I began brainstorming for a design idea. She had the idea of using novelty fabrics of his life interest. We started a list: boats, motorcycle's, newspaper print, dance/square dance, music, western (for his love of western movies), gun motifs, patriotic, LSU, Fluer De Lis (for Louisiana/Saints), clocks, etc. After we came up with fabric motif ideas, the search was on to find the fabric.

I suggested we use the snowball block for a couple of reasons. One; it's a good block to showcase the novelty fabric and the second reason has more meaning that I will explain. Living in south Louisiana we don't get a lot of snow. One time when we were little, it snowed but only as far south as McComb, MS, so Dad took us to the snow. We all piled in our yellow station wagon with the wood grain panels and he drove us about 45 miles north to McComb, MS, for us to play in the snow. DeAnna thought it was a great idea because of the memory we had. She said it would be like us throwing snowballs at him.

After weeks of searching for fabric with the motif's we were looking for, we finally found as many as we could find. All of my siblings were going to be at my parents house the week of July 30th thru August 4th. We planned to make the quilt that week. We would involve everyone in the making. DeAnna brought 3 of her sewing machines and I brought my machine. I brought 2 card tables to use for cutting and ironing stations, and between the 2 of us we had all the necessary supplies.

Here are pictures to help tell the story:

DeAnna (sister) cutting fabric

Simone (sister) ironing fabric

Bryan (brother) sewing

Catrinel (sister-in-law) sewing

DeAnna (sister) sewing on her antique Singer sewing machine made October 26, 1950. She got the machine from Cathy Lynn Forcino, who creates mohair Teddy Bears but also collects and sells Vintage Singer Featherweight sewing machines.

A picture of me sewing

DeAnna and Simone (sisters) checking seams

Mom sewing

I'm watching the master (Mom). I learned to sew from her!

Rhunell (sister) sewing

Simone (sister) and I pinning the quilt

I'm quilting

Simone (sister) quilting

 The reveal

Each square represents an interest in Dad's life. I know it's hard to see but here are the novelty fabrics and their meanings.
Starting at the top left: Newspaper print with car ads has two meanings. He delivered the Baton Rouge newspaper for 64 years! He owned many vehicles throughout the years due to his newspaper delivery business and he knew a lot about them. Fleur de lis for Louisiana and The Saints. Western fabric with guns for his love of western movies and guns. Boats because he enjoyed boating. Dance and record motif for his love of dancing and music.
Second row from the left: Clocks because they have many. Red, White and Blue for being patriotic. Music notes for his love of music. Sillouette cowboys for his love of western movies. Motorcycle's because he had one and enjoyed riding.
Third row from the left: Coffee because he liked drinking it. The Preamble for his love of history. LSU because he was a fan. Coffe cups to go because he liked drinking coffee. Square dance calls for his love of dancing and square dancing.
The blocks repeat in the quilt but in a different order.

Dad enjoying his prayer quilt, with prayers already tied into it.

On August 23, 2012 Jesus came and reached out his hand for Dad, and Dad took it. We will always miss you Dad, and have comfort in knowing we will be together again. We love you! You were the best Dad!

Well all find peace in being covered with Dad's prayer quilt.

Blessings to you and your family,

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Quiltmaker's 100 Block Collector's Edition Vol. 5

I WON!  Quiltmaker's magazine had a 5 day blog tour of their 100 Blocks Vol. 5 collectors edition. The blog tour was the first week in May so all the giveaways are closed. However, you can start here with day one to check out the designers that participated in the tour. Be sure to look at all 5 days! Wait, I'll make it easier for you, day 2, day 3, day 4, day 5!

I so enjoyed following the tour and learning how the designers came up with the block name or the design. Some gave tips and had lots of pictures showing the blocks in various colorways, and layout setting options.

Quiltmaker's and the designers were giving away the Vol. 5 edition if you left a comment on their post. Sherri at A Quilting Life drew MY name/comment!! Sherri's awesome block is #484, Summer Garden Dream, and is found on page 65.

The magazine is available now, so be sure to pick up a copy you will definitely be inspired. All the blocks finish at 12 inches. There are applique blocks, foundation pieced blocks, mixed technique blocks and pieced blocks, something for everyone! There's also a designer and a tester gallery of photos. Of course there is a pattern pull out section found in the center of the magazine!

Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm off to read, look through, try to decide which one to make first!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Denim/Jean Quilt

I've been saving my 2 son's jeans for quite a while to make a quilt out of them! I bookmarked this super great tutorial to go to when I was ready! They were taking up a lot of room in my youngest sons closet and I finally decided it was time!

In the tutorial, Natalia says to rip the jeans because it's much easier on your hands than cutting them with scissors. I don't know why I was skeptical, maybe I thought I couldn't rip the jeans. However, I snipped the bottom of the leg to get it started, and then I ripped, and WOW she was right! It was quick and easy!  Here's a picture of my stack of ripped jean strips!

I used my rotary cutter to trim them to the desired size. Actually, first I sorted them by size... by the width of the strip. Some of the jeans were boys size 8's and I could get a 5.5 inch width by length of jean. Some are larger boys size 12's that I could cut a 7 inch width strip. Some of the knees had holes in them, so I cut the knees out and those are the shorter strips, which worked out great to help offset the seams!

This quilt is so easy and would go together in no time but that's the problem.. lately I have no time to sew! I am managing to get a little time in here and there and actually making progress!

Here's a picture of the top and I love this picture.. look at those indigo colors! It doesn't look this blue when it's inside!

Since this picture was taken, I added 2 more rows to make it a little longer. It measures 50 x 55.

The picture below shows the flannel backing. I had a hard time finding a flannel I liked.. well that I liked for the boys. I found pinks, purples, florals and young kiddish flannels. I really like this one with the owls!

Currently, I'm straight line quilting it and it's heavy! I'm really excited to get it finished and start another one! 

I'm linking up with Freshly Pieced WIP Wednesday. Be sure to check out what everyone else is working on!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Tie Blanket Prayer Quilt... {Just Because}

This prayer blanket isn't for someone ill physically or spiritually per se, it was made for the recipient 'just because'. It was made for an elderly member of our congregation just because we love him and wanted to cover him in our prayers. We prayed love, peace and strength into the blanket. Wouldn't you still like a prayer quilt when things are going 'just ok'? Wouldn't you still like a prayer quilt 'just because'?

This is a unique prayer blanket for a unique person. The blanket isn't unique in the way it is made but it's not the traditional way we have been making prayer quilts. It's a fleece tie blanket that has been popular for some time now. You use 2 yards of fleece for each the front and back, cut approximately 1 inch or slightly larger cuts around the edges, making a fringe. Then you tie the fringe front to the back and voilà you have a blanket.

When you tie the front to the back, you tie 2 knots just like we do for the threads stitched into our 100% cotton prayer quilts. It actually makes a terrific prayer blanket! This worked perfectly for our recipient! When we asked if he would like to have one, he requested St. Louis Cardinal fabric and Green Bay Packer fabric. That's why I decided to make it a tie prayer blanket.

There's really not a front or a back to this one! We have it folded over for the picture so you can see both sides! I always pray that God uses the prayer quilts as an instrument ... that the recipient can feel HIS presence ... feel the love and prayers tied into the quilt ... and that the recipient will be at peace. I prayed that in this one too.

Thanks for stopping by! Blessings!